On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 12:27 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

> > How do you determine that an evaluator is enforcing DMARC "against
> lists"?
> That assumes there are lists that don't munge From:.  Is that real today?

I wasn't aware that this munging had become a standard, or even common.
It's a popular solution to DMARC specifically, to be sure.

> How can one definitively identify list traffic?
> Certainly not by List-* headers.  In particular, List-Unsubscribe: seems
> to be
> required in most mail messages.

They may be common, but they are not required.

> Also, I imagine that if munging is to be considered reversible, either the
> > munging itself, or a way to describe it, needs to be standardized in some
> > form.
> Hasn't that ship sailed already?

Can you please point me to the specification?

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