Hey folks,

Mostly some typos being corrected.  Changed the URL in the XSD per Ale's 
suggestion. Added a paragraph about the Error field.  


Alex Brotman
Sr. Engineer, Anti-Abuse & Messaging Policy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dmarc <dmarc-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of internet-dra...@ietf.org
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 8:32 PM
> To: i-d-annou...@ietf.org
> Cc: dmarc@ietf.org
> Subject: [dmarc-ietf] I-D Action: draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting-14.txt
> Internet-Draft draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting-14.txt is now available.
> It is a work item of the Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting &
> Conformance (DMARC) WG of the IETF.
>    Title:   DMARC Aggregate Reporting
>    Author:  Alex Brotman
>    Name:    draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting-14.txt
>    Pages:   28
>    Dates:   2024-02-28
> Abstract:
>    DMARC allows for domain holders to request aggregate reports from
>    receivers.  This report is an XML document, and contains extensible
>    elements that allow for other types of data to be specified later.
>    The aggregate reports can be submitted to the domain holder's
>    specified destination as supported by the receiver.
>    This document (along with others) obsoletes [RFC7489].
> The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dmarc-
> aggregate-
> reporting/__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!Eh7CcgDsmdyuvKl0gabUhtWziumH7vcUO6CZ19hik
> uQYNDz_7FzKwlKvtIIqEtN3ZmQrfBi4e03gW_l8umC0DN3JAA1hJA$
> There is also an HTML version available at:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-dmarc-
> aggregate-reporting-
> 14.html__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!Eh7CcgDsmdyuvKl0gabUhtWziumH7vcUO6CZ19hikuQ
> YNDz_7FzKwlKvtIIqEtN3ZmQrfBi4e03gW_l8umC0DN2WEA_XEg$
> A diff from the previous version is available at:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://author-tools.ietf.org/iddiff?url2=draft-ietf-
> dmarc-aggregate-reporting-
> 14__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!Eh7CcgDsmdyuvKl0gabUhtWziumH7vcUO6CZ19hikuQYNDz
> _7FzKwlKvtIIqEtN3ZmQrfBi4e03gW_l8umC0DN3_aIbO4w$
> Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at:
> rsync.ietf.org::internet-drafts
> _______________________________________________
> dmarc mailing list
> dmarc@ietf.org
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dmarc__;!!C
> Ql3mcHX2A!Eh7CcgDsmdyuvKl0gabUhtWziumH7vcUO6CZ19hikuQYNDz_7FzKwl
> KvtIIqEtN3ZmQrfBi4e03gW_l8umC0DN0f5XjmCQ$

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