On 08/13/2018 04:29 AM, mett wrote:
> To be honest, rbash is what I thought of, first.
> 2 things refrain me from using it:
> -user cannot cd in his subdirectories
Ok.  That is potentially a big barrier.

> -the wikipedia example of writing 'bash' at the command line
> and then being able to access everywhere(I tried it).

That would be only if the $PATH environment variable is not set properl.
 You could forcibly set $PATH to /usr/local/rbin for example and then
populate that directory with the allowed programs:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/rbin;
sudo ln /bin/ls /usr/local/rbin/;
sudo mv /bin/mv /usr/local/rbin/;
sudo rm /bin/rm /usr/local/rbin/;
. . .

You can use symbolic links in the restricting bin directory instead if
the restricted PATH directory is on a different partition from the
originals or if that style is nicer.

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