On 08/13/2018 10:36 AM, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote:
> On 13-08-18 09:31, Lars Noodén wrote:
> <snip>
>>> BTW I use this configuration combined with a symbolic link from
>>> /var/www/html/website to /home/%u/website. This way it is much safer
>>> then ftp, they cannot login while they still are able to maintain their
>>> own website. Rsync over SSH is another possibility but SFTP looks more
>>> like FTP and is more user friendly.
>>> Grtz
>>> Nick
>> Hmm.  symlinks should not work to reach targets outside the chroot.
>> However, if you are on GNU/Linux you can use a bind mount.
>> sudo mkdir www
>> sudo mount --bind /var/www/html/website/ ./www/
>> It can be made permanent in /etc/fstab too.
>> /Lars
> I worked the other way, Apache is able to work with symlinks. I only
> needed to make www-data member of the users group.

Eek.  Think instead 'least privilege'  That would be one situation where
adding an ACL would work.  That would avoid giving away (potentially)
all the user's files to the web server.

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