On 13-08-18 09:31, Lars Noodén wrote:

>> BTW I use this configuration combined with a symbolic link from
>> /var/www/html/website to /home/%u/website. This way it is much safer
>> then ftp, they cannot login while they still are able to maintain their
>> own website. Rsync over SSH is another possibility but SFTP looks more
>> like FTP and is more user friendly.
>> Grtz
>> Nick
> Hmm.  symlinks should not work to reach targets outside the chroot.
> However, if you are on GNU/Linux you can use a bind mount.
> sudo mkdir www
> sudo mount --bind /var/www/html/website/ ./www/
> It can be made permanent in /etc/fstab too.
> /Lars

I worked the other way, Apache is able to work with symlinks. I only
needed to make www-data member of the users group.



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