On 08/13/2018 10:45 AM, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote:
> On 13-08-18 09:40, Lars Noodén wrote:
>> On 08/13/2018 10:36 AM, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote:
>>> On 13-08-18 09:31, Lars Noodén wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> I worked the other way, Apache is able to work with symlinks. I only
>>> needed to make www-data member of the users group.
>> Eek.  Think instead 'least privilege'  That would be one situation where
>> adding an ACL would work.  That would avoid giving away (potentially)
>> all the user's files to the web server.
>> /Lars
> It is not really different from allowing user access to
> /var/www/html/website. When a user puts all his user's files there (s)he
> give away (potentially) all the files to the webserver too.

As a member of the user's group, if something breaks out of the web
server's document root then it has full read access to ~user and its
subdirectories.  In some files or directories that could also be write
access.  ACLs are a pain though since they are rarely used and can be

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