On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 02:24:49PM -0400, Warren Kumari wrote:
> I'd love to be able to publish these two documents, declare success
> and shut this WG down... but I'm assuming that the WG simply hasn't
> finished reviewing these, so, pretty please, review and provide
> feedback...

Some random comments from quick reading (might be quite off-base):


1) I think that (D)TLS profiling, authentication and privacy profiling
should be harmonized between the documents. It seems that the problem
is (almost) identical, yet the solutions described look different.

After all, TLS and DTLS are very similar crypto capability-wise (I
think the only difference is that RC4 does not work in DTLS).

DNS-over-TLS (-00):

1) Section 3.2:

Is the section about authentication just examples or is it missing
stuff like pinning RPK of the server?

Also, DNS servers are usually designated by IP, but certificates
work by domain name...

2) Section 3.3:

I presume each request or reply SHOULD also be inside just one
TLS record (but multiple queries/responses can be combined into
a single one)?

DNS-over-DTLS (-01):

1) Section 2:

Obsolete reference, should be upgraded to WG DNS-over-TLS draft?

2) Section 3.1:

Also some kinds of NAT could interact badly with DTLS on UDP port
53 (specifically, those applying special lifetime rules on that

3) Section 3.2:

The SPKI fingerprint example could use explicit specification of
the hash function (seems to be SHA1 in the example).

4) Section 6:

That is from before decision to switch to dedicated port?

I would imagine multiplexing on port 53 would cause problems with:
- All sorts of DNS proxies (these are infamous for various creative
  "interpretations" of DNS).
- Some NATs that might apply special rules on UDP/53
- Some anti-reflection firewall rules (DTLS handshake looks like
  answer, which are only allowed in, not out).
- All sorts of strange middleboxes.

I think the dedicated port is both TCP and UDP, and this would get
the UDP one.

5) Section 7:

Plain public keys reference should be RFC 7250?

DTLS heartbeat is infamous. Additionally, it isn't very well-suited
for MTU determination.

6) Section 10:

How would replying with DTLS alert be implemented? IIRC (but this
might be wrong), with connection in SHOWTIME, alerts from server
to client are encrypted, but the server doesn't have the keys
to construct the message.

One possible way would be to mirror SRTP mux. DTLS packet first
octet is record type, which is always 20-63 for DTLS. SRTP mux
sends non DTLS packets using first octets outside that range.

Also, this smae mechanism probably goes for dealing with client
address change (sometimes that changes rather frequently).

7) Multiple sections:

Multiple places seem to refer to some sort of shim layer that
does not seem to be defined anywhere.


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