On Jul 11, 2012, at 2:16 PM, Andreas Gustafsson wrote:

> Paul Wouters wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Jul 2012, Jim Reid wrote:
>>> So it may be better if the draft uses a different term for the scenario 
>>> where 
>>> the parent and child do not have the same NS RRset. Perhaps that can be 
>>> called a Broken Delegation? Because that's what it is....
>> I've changed it from lame delegation to broken delegation.
> I suggest simply dropping the sentence 'If they differ, it is
> referred as a "Lame Delegation"' instead.  I don't think Jim's
> suggestion of "broken delegation" is common usage for the
> particular situation of "parent and child NS RRsets differ"
> any more than "lame delegation" is, and as far as I know,
> there is no established shorthand term that refers
> specifically to this situation.

"broken delegation" suggests to me (at least) that the delegation cannot be 
successfully followed.  That is possible, of course, but most of the time when 
the parent and child disagree, the delegation works but is not optimal.  If we 
want a term for this (very common) case, I suggest "mismatched delegation".

David Blacka                          <dav...@verisign.com> 
Principal               Verisign Infrastructure Engineering

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