Tony Finch Friday, March 01, 2013 12:38 PM:
> > Friday, March 01, 2013 11:58 AM Tony Finch wrote:
> > >
> > > Hmm, I wonder if it would be enough to put only the key tag in the
> > > CDS RDATA,
> >
> > That wouldn't work because you might have two keys with exactly the
> > same key-tag. You can't be certain that the key-tag is unique.
> True, however it's common for tools to ensure tags are unique.

I know first hand of at least one tool that doesn't. It would be good if
any new RFC is backward compatible.

> > > and let the parent calculate the DS from the corresponding DNSKEY.
> >
> > Assuming that the parent knows the algorithm that the child wishes
> > use for his DS record. That might not always be the case.
> You could include an algorithm field. 

The parent might not have access to the new algorithm in the software.
If for example the child wishes to use SHA-X but the parent only
supports SHA-Y. What should the parent do if the child flags for SHA-X
in this algorithm field but it is not available?

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