On 05/18/2014 07:58 AM, Patrik Fältström wrote:
>> It might be worth actively pushing the CDN folks to go the SRV direction.   
>> Even if ENAME were a good idea, which is not clear to me, it's an idea that 
>> would require significant infrastructure changes, whereas SRV records appear 
>> to be functional now, with no DNS software changes.
> As I have stated several times I disagree with any statement that claim 
> "significant infrastructure changes".
> This usage is the reason I did define the URI resource record, so that one 
> could get a "redirect" already in DNS instead of escaping to HTTP.
> example.com. IN URI 1 2 "https://foo.hosting.bar/example.com/startpage/en";

So can that be used instead of specifying something where the initial
proposal casually mentions "This would require a dnssec algorithm bump"?

Not saying this to move it from dnsop to any other list or group, but
that line alone implies there's a significant protocol change.


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