>As I think many here know, I am not of the get-off-my-lawn persuasion
>for DNS innovations.  I don't think it's a bad idea in principle.  I'm
>just aware that we have this long history, and that history was based
>on a certain kind of conservatism that is arguably appropriate to a
>technology quite as fundamental to the Internet functioning as the DNS
>is.  If we're going to abandon that conservatism, I think it needs
>quite a lot more early IETF buy-in than we might get by developing
>this work here in DNSOP.  The more signal we can get to suggest that
>DNS actors are ok with the innovation, the lower I think that bar gets.

I'd be a lot more comfortable if we had some field test data about
what real DNS caches do with the extra AAAA records.  In theory
nothing bad should happen, in practice ...


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