On Wed, 19 Apr 2017, Peter van Dijk wrote:

Type bitmaps would preclude simple implementations that use getaddrinfo to do their business. As much as I think the idea may have merit, I feel this draft should stay close to the long list of existing ALIAS/ANAME implementations if it wants any chance to succeed.

But the implementation really seems to do two things. Bundle A/AAAA
with other records and providing a level of indirection. By combining
these we are really adding a whole new type of behaviour to the DNS
that could be avoided.

If after that (perhaps after some operational experience with ANAME!) you want to draft up a more generic forwarding mechanism, I will happily help you write it all down.

Which is why I don't agree with this.

ANAME could just be a regular RRTYPE without any special handling,
meaning "go look there for up to date information on A/AAAA". It could
come along A/AAAA records using one of the existing bitmaps multi-type
query proposals that have been suggested in the last two years.

Prepopulating or updating the A/AAAA records on the auth server should
also be a separate issue/draft and ideally not need the auth server
to require either recursion or validation. A new type of authenticated
XFR query seems to make more logical sense to me. It would also allow
much stricter firewalling on the auth server.

It seems dnsop is more and more getting these arguments of "but we
are just documenting existing behaviour", like with client-subnet and
RPZ. It's really not the best way to develop new DNS extensions, as I
also argued when we talked about RPZ.


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