On Wed, 8 Nov 2023, Brian Dickson wrote:
The target for a NOTIFY would necessarily be found in the SOA record of the
registrant's zone, not the parent's zone. I think that's where the
confusion has arisen.

There's definitely confusion here but I don't think it's mine.

The child (registrant) puts a CDS record in its zone, and then it wants the parent (registry and/or registrar) to look at it and update the DS in the parent (typically TLD zone) so it needs to notify the parent to tell it to take a look. The child's SOA lists the child's own primary NS, not the parent's, so notifying itself won't help.

Apropos Joe's message, the child could hypothetically try and send the NOTIFTY to the parent SOA, e.g. a.gtld-servers.net for .com or .net. But those are clouds of anycast servers and even if you can get that to work, they belong to the registry while the notify needs go go to the registrar so it can update the registry via EPP.

One might wave one's hands frantically and imagine there is some way to do reverse anycast plus magic forwarding to the registrar, but I am not going to go there.

BTW, this use of registrant's zone's SOA.MNAME supports both the non-hidden
master/signer, and the hidden master/signer use cases, AFAICT.

This makes no sense at all. Beyond the fact that it's the wrong SOA, the point of a hidden primary is that it's hidden. Putting it in an SOA would spill the beans.

ICANN's CZDS distributes copies of TLD zone files which they fetch via daily AXFR from stealth zone primaries. For a while, they were just dumping the AXFR output into the files including a comment that had the address of the primary. They were very embarassed when I told them I knew where all the stealth primaries were because they told me, and they promptly edited the comments out. People care that stealth is stealthy.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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