On 25 Jun 2015, at 9:22, Anand Buddhdev wrote:

On 25/06/15 13:27, Phil Regnauld wrote:

But have you registered a domain under .KE ?

I don't have any personal domains in .KE at the moment, but I was born
and raised in Kenya, and still have family and friends there. They have .KE domains. My inability to communicate with them, and their inability
to communicate with me, using .KE domains, makes this issue rather
important to me.

I think having withdrawn the DS RRSet from the root zone, the best way to ensure minimal disruption to end users such as yourself is to be conservative about putting it back in. That seems to me to describe exactly what KENIC are doing.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to steer people's attention towards this document:


While a severed link in the chain of trust exists that is known to be non-malicious (so, not now with KE, but earlier while they were having problems that caused validation failures) the ability to provide the kind of continuity of service that you're concerned about shifts from the operators of the authority servers to the operators of validators.

Since ignoring validation failures is not something we want anybody to do badly, I think the document referenced above is useful. I'm sure the dnsop working group (and the authors) would welcome additional review and in particular feedback from end-users.


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