Hello Tim,

If, at any stage, you find PDF too inflexible, take a look at Sigil: https://code.google.com/p/sigil/

It's a free cross-platform epub creation application that I've found to be quite excellent. It doesn't have a very steep learning curve and I've created and modified many epub files that have been problematic with Calibre.



On 15/03/14 09:38, timothy.m.butterwo...@gmail.com wrote:
On Saturday, March 15, 2014 06:59:18 PM Jean Weber wrote:
For those on this list who aren't on the Docs list, this conversation
may be of interest.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <timothy.m.butterwo...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] How about printing this
material in a soft cover book for us??
To: documentation@global.libreoffice.org

On Saturday, March 15, 2014 04:08:59 PM you wrote:

Is it possible to get Amazon.com to stock hard/soft copy and Google
to stock soft copy (they already support PDF in addition to epub.) It
would would not be bad to see if Barnes and Noble as well as Kobo would
also stock the soft copy for their Ebook Readers as well. This would
certainly assist with in reaching new users particularly if they are
provided for free and would provide some great advertising as well.

I know Amazon and Google have programs to self publish but I have not
actually tried them out though.

Is anyone interested is publishing them in epub or mobi? I would like to
learn how to format and produce epub so if someone knows how and wants
lead this then I am willing to port some chapters!

As I have said on previous occasions when this topic came up: yes, it
is possible to get printed books and ebooks (in several formats) to be
stocked by Amazon and others. Lulu (where we publish our books) will
take care of it for us (previously there was a fee, but now there is
not). There is some extra work involved that sounds easy but is not. I
have begun taking steps to do this for the v4.2 books.

Amazon's self-publishing program (I don't know about Google's) has
cost, taxation, and other problems for us that I don't have the energy
to describe in detail right now. I personally will not consider using
them, but others can pursue this if they wish to.

We can, of course, produce our own ebooks (epub, mobi, other formats)
from chapters and/or full books with or without Lulu's help, and
publish them on our own wiki and website along with the ODTs and PDFs
for users to download at no cost.

Dan Lewis has done some work converting files to epub. He has said
that the latest version of Calibre does a much better and easier job
of converting our files than earlier versions did. I don't think Dan
is available to lead an effort to do major conversions, but that's for
him to say.
IMO we need to make some changes to our template to make the
conversion process easier and give better results. I have documented
some of this somewhere. You might be able to find it by searching the
archives for this list, or it might be on the wiki. IIRC, mainly the
changes involve getting rid of our custom style names wherever
possible and using the built-in style names instead.

This change in style names is part of the plan to produce a new
template for our books, but that plan keeps getting stalled for
various reasons. Also, work on the template over the past few years
seems to have focused on changes that affect mainly the appearance of
the resulting PDFs & printed books and not on changes that affect the
conversion process to other formats.


I decided I wanted to go ahead and try out The Google Books Partnership
Publishing, I went ahead and published The LibreOffice 4.0 Getting Started
Guide in its official non-modified state to Google Books and Google Play
for the low price of FREE with no DRM. Google Is currently processing it
for full text search/indexing it is set to become available immediately
upon finishing and it will be available in PDF download format from Google
Play/Books as well. I was also able to advertise the printed version from
Lulu as well.

I will send out the URL for it when I goes online, The process is pretty
fast and relatively easy.

I will look at publishing the rest of them after I see how this one turns

Also the partnership Publishing accounts can be configured for multiple
administrators to ease management/updates etc.


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After looking through The Google Books Partnership Publishing configuration, I
found that it is required to submit Tax Payment forms, as well as setup bank
account info etc for payment prior to them allowing any materials to be
published live even if they are being sold for free due to the mandated
advertising agreement.

I just conveniently took care of this and I am now the sole proprietor of a
personally owned publishing company, at least on paper anyway. Google is going
to send a test transaction to my bank account for verification so it may take
up to one week to finish up the legalities, which is not bad as it will give me
time to upload the rest of the manuals and covers, populate the info etc so
they may all be available next week hopefully depending on how long the full
text search/indexing process takes.


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