I fitted think 3 washers with longer bolts then later got new rubbers.  If
you pump tyre up too much like I have and has worn out centre of tyre then
it could still shimmy but little lower inflation certainly stops it on
tar.. Grass is, almost no issues I find.

Go to shimmy on net as there is, correct and incorrect angles for
scott/macto tail wheel. You just convert the angles to dimona as principle
is the same.

Ian McPhee
+61 428847642
Box 657 Byron Bay NSW 2481 Australia

On Fri, 25 Sep. 2020, 05:50 Győző Horváth, <horvathgyoz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > Hereby I attach some photos of rear gear.
> > Perhaps somebody can see some disorders on it.
> > The rubber shocks are worn, however evenly.
> > Any further comments are welcomed
> >
> > Gyozo
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