Dear All,

I am very thankful for your valuable comments.
I will investigate all factors you mentioned: cable tension, kingpin, rubber 
It would be good to quantify them somehow.

With many thanks and best regards

> 2020. szept. 25. dátummal, 1:12 időpontban Ric Sutton 
> <> írta:
> Hi Gyozo
> when the rubbers are squashed or worn like yours it changes the castor angle.
> this can lead to shimmy like a worn out shopping trolley does.
> does anyone on here have specs on what their castor angle is or should be?
> i only have old mk1 rigid type. i guess it could be similar. i'm a bit rusty 
> on my suspension geometry theory so i'm not sure whether horizontal 
> displacement should be measured from king pin or from the forward pivot on 
> the mk2 type. just thinking it through i would guess the king pin?
> anyone care to clarify?
> From: <> on behalf of 
> Győző Horváth <>
> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 9:50 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [DOG mailing list] Shimmy
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Hereby I attach some photos of rear gear.
> > Perhaps somebody can see some disorders on it.
> > The rubber shocks are worn, however evenly.
> > Any further comments are welcomed
> > 
> > Gyozo
> <IMG_1789.jpg>
> <IMG_1791.jpg>
> <IMG_1794.jpg>
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