At first try, Kdenlive appears broken on 10.04.
Won't load or display Cheese ogv's, same if you pre-process on Pitivi
However, PiTiVi doesn't add file extensions; if you process the ogv into
an mp4, using one of the mpeg codecs in an avi container muxer, and add
the .mp4 extension to the output name, not only will Kdenlive work with
it, but playback on Kdenlive will work properly for the first time too.
(It didn't on 9.10).
Then you can take advantage of Kdenlive's excellent and intuitive
composition and export options.
On Fri, 2010-05-07 at 23:44 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:
> Earlier I had a problem with OpenCV applications.
> Actually, all I had to do was rebuild from the code in Mono C++; the
> OpenCV 2 libraries were already on the computer, although I installed
> the -dev libraries for the rebuild.
> Then the applications ran on my Netbook as before, using libCV4 etc.
> The problem I had was that the Synaptic search still showed libcv1, and
> didn't update until morning.
> Simono

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