On Friday, 9 March 2018 13:09:37 GMT Terry Coles wrote:
> More testing needed, but I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel
> (everything crossed).

The light at the end of the tunnel just got smaller.  The two USB Audio 
devices now seem to come up consistently on channels hw:0,0 and hw:0,1, but I 
now get the error:

        can't open libao driver with device hw:0,0

when the bells are required.  This is what happens:

At bootup, the program starts playing music to the device labelled CHANCEL 
using channel hw:0,1.  This works every time.  After 15 minutes or less, the 
program tries to send the chimes to the device labelled TOWER using channel 
hw:0,0.  That's when the error occurs.

I assume that this is because only one instance of the driver for the USB 
Audio devices is loaded at boot-up and that is in use because it is still 
playing the music.

Assuming that I'm right, how do I force the OS to load a second driver 
instance for the TOWER?


                Terry Coles

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