On Thursday, 21 January 2021 12:52:44 GMT Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
I haven't looked at Flask in detail, but one way to do it would be to
use a GET or POST value when the button is submitted in the form, so it
eg redirects to /control.html?action=play.

Thanks Hamish. I did wonder if that might be the only way, but it seemed a bit clunky and felt that there ought to be something more sophisticated that
I've missed.

One trouble that I've found with Flask is that on its own its fairly
straightforward, but much of what is done is done my the loading of flask modules and other helper libraries. It isn't always obvious which of those
module or libraries to study to find what I need.

That's why I've been trying to find an example from someone who has done something similar. I've found a number of examples using javascript (I even used one myself for the original WMT Webserver), but they all simply redirect
to another page.  I need to execute a line of Python.

You might need the subprocess.open method or .run

 - https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html

This lets you run out of process functions (ie shell scripts, python scripts etc) without leaving the wsgi world.

The other thing I was thinking was that your original code mentions ‘socket’, so you might be wanting to make some sort of websocket connection from the browser. I’d try and avoid that if possible as it really is a bit of a nightmare depending how Flask is being hosted, and what you use to set up the web sockets. Stick to the GET or POST as Hamish says, with a redirect on successful submission (to avoid web browser history allowing the user to get in a muddle)
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