On 21/01/2021 13:03, Terry Coles wrote:
> On Thursday, 21 January 2021 12:52:44 GMT Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
>> I haven't looked at Flask in detail, but one way to do it would be to
>> use a GET or POST value when the button is submitted in the form, so it
>> eg redirects to /control.html?action=play.
> Thanks Hamish.  I did wonder if that might be the only way, but it seemed a 
> bit clunky and felt that there ought to be something more sophisticated that 
> I've missed.
> One trouble that I've found with Flask is that on its own its fairly 
> straightforward, but much of what is done is done my the loading of flask 
> modules and other helper libraries.  It isn't always obvious which of those 
> module or libraries to study to find what I need.
> That's why I've been trying to find an example from someone who has done 
> something similar.  I've found a number of examples using javascript (I even 
> used one myself for the original WMT Webserver), but they all simply redirect 
> to another page.  I need to execute a line of Python.

The only other way I particularly know is to use client-side Javascript
to make that request without reloading the page. I know it is also
possible to respond to the result from the server, for example with a
callback, but I can't provide a good example of how to do this because I
lack the expertise. If I spend some time later I my be able to find you
an example of it.

The only way (that I know of) to do this is to send a request to the
server in some way to trigger it to execute the Python line, eg by
redirecting to a page or sending a request through some other means.

I'm quite happy to be proven wrong though, I'm sure there must be a
proper web developer on here who we can both learn from.


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