On Thursday, 18 February 2021 10:10:47 GMT Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> I'm just finishing off my assignment, but should be able to look at
> several WMT things this afternoon with luck.


I've just cracked the freezing problem, so you only need to look at the 
sockets error that I flagged on the Forum.  As mentioned there that error 
doesn't seem to cause a problem, it just flags up an erroneous message 
received.  I'd just like to know why.

With regard to this issue, I suddenly remembered that Patrick had suggested 
using a separate thread to launch the MP3 Player, eg:


I had not tried that because I was under the erroneous impression that 
apscheduler launched the functions in a separate thread already; clearly not.

Everything seems to be working fine now, although I need to test a few more 
things before I declare it ready for deployment.


                Terry Coles

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