On Friday, 28 May 2021 11:58:43 BST Keith Edmunds wrote:
> Smokeping is your friend: https://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/
> Demo: https://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping-demo/?target=Customers.OP


That looks like its a graphical tool by default, although I see that there is 
a command line mode.

I'm coming to believe that I can only capture packets between two devices on a 
network if I am actually running the tool from a device on that network rather 
than from a remote device over VPN.  None of the Pis on the WMT network are 
running X.

I could of course run wireshark from the command line on one of the devices on 
the WMT network, so I'm wondering if Smokeping somehow gets round the problem 
and allows me to monitor data from my PC.

(Maybe I'm just using Wireshark wrong :-)  It wouldn't surprise me.)


                Terry Coles

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