On Friday, 28 May 2021 13:10:08 BST Victor Churchill wrote:
> As I recall (it's a while since I used either) wireshark is itself built on
> top of a CLI tool tcpdump <https://linux.die.net/man/8/tcpdump> which I
> imagine you should be able to install on a Pi on your network. It has a
> raft full of more options than you ever thought you migh tneed and the
> trick will be narrowing down what it captures to what you are interested
> in. Simply saying
> $ tcpdump host
> should show you what's happening.


I reckon that's the one.  I've just tried it on my local network with an 
interval time of 10 seconds and it's working fine.

It's lunchtime just now, so I'll try it at WMT later.


                Terry Coles

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