On Sunday, 1 August 2021 18:53:22 BST Tim wrote:
> Has a new Wifi to the area appeared and is swamping music and bells
> wifi, thus forcing it off line?

I'm not aware of anything like that.  In any case the five Tiny-TV Pis (which 
are all further from the Antenna) would also be affected.  The site is in a 
fairly sparsely populated area with a field and cricket ground behind, a few 
houses either side and the Minster across the road.

> Could you setup a simple ping script to a router or something similar
> and i it fails to get a reply then it reboot the PI?

I'm looking into doing something like that at the moment.  The latest 
suggestion is to turn off WiFI and then turn it back on again, if the ping 
response fails.  I need to be careful; if the script has an error, I may never 
get the WiFi back up.  That would need someone on site to fix it.


                Terry Coles

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