Hi, This has been discussed ad infinitum on this list and also on the WMT Forum. To recap; the WiFi connected to the Music Pi drops out after 2 to 3 days of operation and the output of iwconfig shows that the number against Invalid misc: increases steadily. The only way to regain WiFi access has been to get the on-site manager to power cycle the complete system, whereupon I would get another 2 to 3 days of access. The Music and Bells continue normally.
The Raspberry Pi Zero Ws installed in a number of locations on this site do not have this problem. After trying many suggestions I setup a function in the Music software to reboot the Music Pi at 0900 every day. I also made sure that an entry was written to the Music Pi log file when it happened. Everything has been fine and the log entries have been as expected, until today when the WiFi dropped out again.... So what's the difference between a reboot and a power cycle WRT the WiFi adaptor? Could the WiFi Access Point be playing a part in this? (I turned off Power Management, as suggested on this list, after one of the suggestions from this list.) This system will of course reboot in an hours time. If that restores connectivity, we can probably live with the situation, but I'd really like to know what is going on. -- Terry Coles -- Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2021-08-03 20:00 Check to whom you are replying Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ... http://dorset.lug.org.uk New thread, don't hijack: mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk