On Friday, 31 December 2021 17:40:58 GMT Patrick Wigmore wrote:
> This looks like it should be a valid command, based on the
> configuration you listed and according to the amixer man page that's
> in the Debian bullseye alsa-utils package.

Things have moved on.  I have two Pis configured to use these speaker bonnets; 
a Pi 3 to play the music in the Nave and a Pi Zero to play the bells and 
chimes in the tower.  It turns out that amixer works fine on the Pi 3 but as 
described on the Zero.

I've tried re-running the Adafruit installation script on the Zero and I've 
checked all the dependencies of alsa-utils; everything seems fine, except for 
the volume setting.

I've just posted a query on the Adafruit Forums, but if no-one can shed any 
light on this, I'll have to start again with a clean bullseye installation.  
If that doesn't work, I'll have to go back to buster, but only on the Zero!!!!


                Terry Coles

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