On Saturday, 1 January 2022 10:23:26 GMT Terry Coles wrote:
> Things have moved on.  I have two Pis configured to use these speaker
> bonnets; a Pi 3 to play the music in the Nave and a Pi Zero to play the
> bells and chimes in the tower.  It turns out that amixer works fine on the
> Pi 3 but as described on the Zero.

I have no idea why this command works on a Pi 3, but not on a Zero (I'd love 
to know). However, a respondent on the Raspberry Pi Forums suggested using 
pulseaudio, eg:

amixer -D pulse set Master 50%

Initially it didn't work, but then I realised that pulseaudio probably wasn't 
installed by default in Raspberry PI OS Lite. After installation I got a 
permission error, but it worked after a reboot.


                Terry Coles

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