Dennis -

Good to know. That's why I always 'try' to measure voltages on component leads themselves. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible.

Sockets and connections are the bane of any solid state stuff.

I feel better about my general rule that if a Base-Emitter junction is good, there's a reasonable chance the transistor is also good.! :-) Collector-Base breakdown DOES happen, but blown B-E is a lot more common.....

Thanks for checking that one Dennis.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Dennis Monticelli wrote:
I received your Q7 transistor in the mail and tested it on a Tek 576 curve tracer. Surprise! It's actually in good shape. Perhaps you had a marginal solder joint and the act of replacing the transistor curved the problem. I'll return the transistor to you so you can either stick it back in there or keep it as a spare.
Dennis AE6C

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:12 PM, < <>> wrote:

    I still have it here.
    I think I will do may help the group.

    This was tough as the Q7 was working just barely conducting so we
    were looking at all the cicuitry around it.
    Garey as always was right on as to the voltages I should have,,BUT
    I just could noyt find out why they were off...way off.
    Q7 itself was the culptrit!

    Are you good in QRZ?
    I'll send it to you...

    Man..that R-4b is a hot rod now...the full LAB alignment does take
    quite a bit of time, but I think it was worth it..

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dennis Monticelli <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Cc: k4oah < <>>;
    drakelist < <>>
    Sent: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 10:55 pm
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio? FIXED!

    Congrats, Lee.

    If you're curious about the failure mode of the bad transistor you
    can mail it to me and I will put it on a Tek 576 curve tracer and
    tell the group what's wrong with it.  Probably it already sleeps
    with the coffee grinds :-)

    Dennis AE6C

    On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 4:44 PM, <
    <>> wrote:

    Just as Dr. Barrell said........

    Collector=  8 v
    Base = .6
    Emitter = .02

    And Audio is the wanderful Drake audio of all time!

    I guess Q7 was not blown, but had a high resistance emitter to
    base or something like that.

    Usually on transistors my experience is it either works or it
    doesn't. I guess it ain't so.
    I learned a lot shooting this bug ....and I couild not have done
    it without you Garey!

    So many thanks indeed.......
    Thanks for hanging in there with me.

    Actuallythis was fun.

    Wait until my friend hears his R-4B now!
    He will understand just why we love em!

    I'm buying you 2 cups of coffee at Dayton (Or something better if
    you want)

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Garey Barrell <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Sent: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 6:29 pm
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio?

    Either should work fine.  Just watch the lead pattern!

    73, Garey - K4OAH
    Glen Allen, VA <> wrote:

    I have the board out. I discovered I really did not swap the
    Q7...tired and late at night Hi HiI also noticed that the cap we
    discussed that is in the feedback is damaged some.
    I have I am replacing the Q7 with a 2N3393 I have and
    that questionable cap now.
    Also...I have a radio shack MPS2222A I could use instead?? any

    Lee Simmonds
    Summit DCS LLC

    260-799-4077 <tel:260-799-4077> Office
    260-403-6936 <tel:260-403-6936> Cell

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Garey Barrell <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Sent: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 5:48 pm
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio?

    Lee -

    Do you have any input (tone) when you are measuring those levels?  AF
    GAIN must be a zero to check DC.

    That collector voltage is still high.  I was just playing with my
    breadboard version, and I have 18.5V DC and 8 V on the Collector.


    V on the Collector says the transistor is still not drawing 'normal'
    current.  Mine has 0.019V on the Emitter, and about 0.6 on the Base.


    believe you have tried another Q7, perhaps just very low Beta?   Have
    you disconnected the input and output capacitors?  Less than 1M of
    'pull-up' resistor is way too low, unless there is leakage current to
    ground, or the transistor Beta is extremely low.

    73, Garey - K4OAH
    Glen Allen, VA <> wrote:

    OK, I have not found the root cause yet..but, I paralleled a 1 meg
    resistor to the 2.2 meg bias and:

    Collector is 14.5 v
    Base is .578
    Emmitter is .013
    And the audio sound pretty loud and I know the Q7 is


    Something is presenting some additional resistance in the cicuit. Got
    to find it next

    Lee Simmonds
    Summit DCS LLC

    260-799-4077 <tel:260-799-4077> Office
    260-403-6936 <tel:260-403-6936> Cell

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Garey Barrell <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Sent: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 10:44 am
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio?

    Lee -


    No, the voltage MUST be a little less than half of whatever voltage
    appears across C173 / top of R148.  There has to be 'room' for the
    Collector to go positive or negative depending upon the current
    through Q7.

    The transistor is turned on via current through R131.  As Q7 turns


    the current drawn through R148 drops the voltage at the top of R131,
    causing the stage to reach 'equilibrium' at 'about' 1/2 of B+, (18V).
    The Emitter resistor, R141B, is to compensate for Base-Emitter


    variations with temperature, e.g., if V B-E drops, the voltage across
    R141B drops, again reaching equilibrium.

    When AC is applied via C167, the +/- swings alternately increase and
    decrease the current through R148 and R141B, causing the voltage to
    swing 100 times more (assuming Beta of 100) on the Collector.  The
    current also goes through R141B, and this drop is subtracted


    feedback) from that across R148.  C169 is frequency compensation to
    limit high frequency (supersonic) gain.  This capacitor is left OUT


    some of the R-4Bs that I have worked on.  I think it was included,


    in case'.

    So the problem is a very simple one at this level, and strictly a DC
    question.  If you take a transistor, 82, 47k and 2.2M resistors, and
    connect them per the schematic, across an 18V supply, the Collector
    voltage will be about 8V, the Base about 0.6V and the Emitter about
    0.02V.  Sources of error are leaky input or output capacitors,


    resistor values, faulty or blown transistor, poor ground



    interconnection faults.  You have the components, put them together


    the air' and you'll get these voltages!  :-)

    Obviously, in  your case, there is little if any current through Q7,
    therefore no drop across R148 or R141B.  This is the simplest of
    circuits, almost a 'it takes two wires to ring a doorbell' case.


    can only be caused by a few things.

    a) the voltage is not getting to the Collector of the transistor.


    on the 'bottom' of R148, so this leaves any PC trace, solder


    at the Q7 end, a broken lead inside the transistor.  OR,

    b) the voltage IS getting to the Collector, BUT the Emitter is not
    getting through R141B to ground.  Same sources of trouble as above.


    c) those connections are all good, and there is no (or insufficient)
    voltage to overcome the V B-E (~0.6V) getting to the Base.  Same


    of trouble as above, we only need a few uAmps through R131, so


    other than a perfect connection, or leakage from the Base to ground,
    (leaky C167, incomplete etch between traces, dirty PC board, contact
    'cleaner' crap, etc,)  can drag down this voltage.

    R130 is decoupling, with C188A, for the BFO.  It drops the voltage to
    about 11 VDC from the 18V across C173.

    73, Garey - K4OAH
    Glen Allen, VA <> wrote:

    OK, I find no issues with land patterns.
    I have continuity from each lead of the Q7 itself to appropriate


    OK, NOW...
    I parralled a 2.0 meg resistor to the Q7 bias 2.2meg. =now  approx 1


    The audio is higher.
    Q7 voltages:
    Collector = 17 v
    Base = .53 v
    Emitter = 4 mv

    All resistor values seem to be correct....SO

    Are we sure the voltage at R148 are correct?
    If they were higher, then the bias would be higher??
    Getting tired, but just a thought????
    Going to bed.

    Lee Simmonds
    Summit DCS LLC

    260-799-4077 <tel:260-799-4077> Office
    260-403-6936 <tel:260-403-6936> Cell

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Garey Barrell <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Sent: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 11:29 pm
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio?

    Lee -

    AC measurements aren't going to mean much until you get the DC


    correct.  The key is still 7.5 - 8 VDC on the Collector, 0.02 V on


    Emitter, and about 0.55-0.6 V on the Base with no signal.  The 18 V
    across C173 is correct so there has to be a problem from the bottom


    R148 down.  Perhaps a cracked PC board trace.?

    It's plain ol' DC, so gotta be a break somewhere.  You would also


    similar results if the Emitter was open, cracked R141B, cracked


    on same, broken trace?

    73, Garey - K4OAH
    Glen Allen, VA <> wrote:

    Never mind...there isa little less than  1 volt P-P on pin 2 of
    V7......I had a bad connection.

    so, just 1 volt P-P at AF gain at 2:00 is not enough, correct
    I think you said we were looking for 2-3 volts P-P

    I am not doing the checks you said in earlier e-mail

    Lee Simmonds
    Summit DCS LLC

    260-799-4077 <tel:260-799-4077> Office
    260-403-6936 <tel:260-403-6936> Cell

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Garey Barrell <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Sent: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 2:20 pm
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio?

    OK, you're 'well equipped'.!   I never know when I start these
    'projects' just what I'm working with......  :-)

    I went back to my breadboard because it should have handled more


    V before clipping.  Musta been in too much of a hurry this morning!
    :-)  I use one of the white plastic breadboards with the rows of
    connected holes, perhaps a lead wasn't pushed in good enough.

    Now getting about 7.5 V Collector, 0.6 V Base and 0.02 V Emitter,



    good 10V p-p before distortion begins.  It doesn't clip until 20V


    and now clips on the bottom as I would expect.  Max Peak Grid 1


    on the 6EH5 is 3 V, so plenty of headroom.  Gain is 47k / 82, so


    575, meaning about 7 mV input will produce 3 V output.

    73, Garey - K4OAH
    Glen Allen, VA <> wrote:

    My HP 410c needs calibration so I have been using my DVM.
    The specs say it has a 10M ohms input impedance in parralel with 2


    + - 1%.... not bad for a Radio shack instrument (Not one of their

    I have a HP scope and a HP 8640b sig. gen.

    Off to do a busines errand then I will get on this.

    Lee Simmonds
    Summit DCS LLC

    260-799-4077 <tel:260-799-4077> Office
    260-403-6936 <tel:260-403-6936> Cell

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Garey Barrell <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Sent: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 9:07 am
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio?

    Lee -

    This is beginning to annoy me......   :-)

    This is about the simplest audio amplifier circuit around, and has


    working for 50 years.  Just to cover the bases, have you measured


    for 82 ohms??  Have you checked the Collector voltage with C167
    disconnected entirely??

    The circuit is ...

    The current chosen for about 0.25 mA, and with a 47k load resistor


    results in a maximum voltage swing of ~12V p-p while staying in


    linear part of the transistor curves.

    This idle current would result in a voltage across 82 ohms of ~ 20


    (0.02V).  A Beta of ~100 says that we need 1/100th of 0.25 mA or


    mA through R141B or ~5.5 V through R131.  The voltage at the Base


    be >~0.6 V to turn the the transistor 'on' and into the linear



    think that perhaps the 'noise' input to the amp is contributing to


    Base voltage.  Also, this is a very high impedance point so



    the meter could also affect the reading.  What is the input



    your meter?

    I've got rehab this morning, but when I get back this afternoon


    going to breadboard this circuit and see if I can figure out what


    happening.  It's an 'age-old' circuit, and has been working in


    R-4Bs, so we must be missing something.

    Do you have a scope?  I suspect if you look at the Collector of Q7


    the Calibrator tuned in for a ~1000 Hz tone, you'd see a sine wave


    about the bottom third just clipped off.

    73, Garey - K4OAH
    Glen Allen, VA

    Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
    and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs
    < <>> <> wrote:


    I put in the new help, audio is exactly the same.
    Base is still at .48v

    Lee Simmonds
    Summit DCS LLC

    260-799-4077 <tel:260-799-4077> Office
    260-403-6936 <tel:260-403-6936> Cell

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Garey Barrell <
    To: kc9cdt < <>>
    Sent: Sun, Apr 3, 2011 10:54 pm
    Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Fwd: My R-4B audio?

    The 2N3393 is ok.  It's Beta is 90 - 180 so should work.  It has


    same base as the 3394, E-C-B

    73, Garey - K4OAH
    Glen Allen, VA <> wrote:

    Regarding question #1 from before I mrant R145

    All I have is a 2N3393 and some other PNP ones

    Lee Simmonds
    Summit DCS LLC

    260-799-4077 <tel:260-799-4077> Office
    260-403-6936 <tel:260-403-6936> Cell

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