Hello everyone

This's a real sad day for me as my beloved R-4C is dead. It was
perfectly working yesterday night while i was listening a local net on
80m but today i can't listen anything.
So i checked if tube heaters glow...and they do. I've cleaned the
"Mode" switch with Deoxid D5 ...No results. The audio is VERY weak
even if the volume pot is full clockwise.
I can hear myself while transmitting with a transceiver ( plugged onto
a dummy load ) , the S meter needle stand on S 9 even if the
transceiver "sit" on the receiver .
I can hear myself even if I turn the PTO knob...same as if i turn the
transceiver Vfo. I don't hear myself f i switch on a diff band or a
Crystal position.
There's IS different tonality while operating the passband tuning.

Also, while No signal at all, the S meter needle stand on VERY fast
LEFT . This both on "On" position or Ext Mute.

I checked if any tube bad connection on theyr sockets by tapping one
tube at once with a tiny wood stick ( I did it VERY GENTLY ).
I was listening through my headset and the "tap" sound came on my ears
only with V5 tube, wich is a 6BA6 and it's the last If amplifier.

Not a technician here...definately not. Also i know that my english is
VERY poor and , for that, i'm sorry.

Anyway...as my R4-C is my TOP receiver and always i get Lotsa fun
while using it....is there someone who can please tell me where to
check to get a chance to repair it ?
I have other receivers but...

Oh right, my R-4C doesn't have ANY of Sherwood modifications.

Thanks in advance

de Adrian, iz3svi

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