
On 2002.03.05 21:04 Tony Rogvall wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I am new on the list, I am currently struggling with getting the dri on
> my
> sony working. I have been able to set it up, compile and all that, but
> there is something missing. It looks to me that there is some pci
> support
> missing for the mach64 branch.

You'll have to be more precise about what's your problem 
(/var/log/XFree86.0.log would help). I'm not aware of any limitation of 
the mach64 driver regarding PCI cards since at this moment it doesn't use 
any of the AGP features.

> I hope I can do something, if just some one can push me in the right
> direction.
> (not out :-)

Have you taken a look at the FAQ ( )? It was with that 
purpose it was written. If you have any further enquire, post it here, or 
in the weekly meetings, and we'll be glad to answer.

On the beggining I would suggest that you make some reading (as suggested 
in the new FAQ section
) and keep with your eyes on this list, specially on the work on mach64. 
(If you have joined recently this mailing list I can provide an uptodate 
mbox archive so that you can have a picture of what has been done lately.)

At some point it will become clear to you in what you can help.

> I have been reading and doing some trial and horror stuff, it would help
> a lot
> to have some hardware spec! To get that from what I understand you need
> to
> be a xfree developer, and to be an xfree developer you need to send a
> patch.

I don't know if you read the relevant parts ( 
), but this is a way to achieve that.

> But to send a patch I need the hardware spec to understand anything of
> what I am doing ????

Not necessarily. You could even try to fix something in XFree86 unrelated 
to any of this.

Anyway, there is a lot to be done in the mach64 branch. We fortunately 
have a driver (even though imcomplete) in the Utah-GLX project which has 
been a more important reference than the specs. And at least for myself, 
only after three months after having the specs I really needed them to do 

This doesn't mean that you should quit of trying to get them. Just that 
your efforts would be better spent if you don't concentrate too much on 
that task and help as you can now and you'll get them in the process 

> Someone ?
> Regards
> /Tony


José Fonseca

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