On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 10:03:10 -0800 (PST)
Jon Smirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is a fact that Microsoft Longhorn and the Mac GUI
> are moving towards 3D hardware for their base GUI. It
> is also a fact that it will take a lot of effort and
> probably several years to move X in the same
> direction. Personally I don't want to see Linux in the
> position of having the new 3D effects in Windows and
> the Mac and not being able to respond. I'm willing to
> put some time and effort into this and maybe other are
> too.
> I don't buy the "support old hardware" argument for
> stopping the forward progress of DRI. With that
> argument we'd still all be running in X86 real mode
> and the Athlon-64 would be pointless.he Backwards
> compatibility is important and fallbacks should be
> provided, but it's not a reason for stopping the use
> of new hardware features.

There is a reason why I would *not* like to have the 3D as the base for
next generation of Xservers, and that is stability. Current DRI
drivers are not stable as 3d drivers only, whereas 2d accelerated drivers are rock 
solid (as least for the cards I have tried).

I have Linux+XFree86 on academic environments for many years now and have always liked 
the reliability factor: buggy 2d applications don't crash the Xserver or kernel, the 
whole system lives happily for weeks without rebooting. None of this is true with the 
3d drivers.

Please don't take this a flame bait (I know this is the DRI devel list), but I would 
concentrate on good, stable, old fashioned 3d acceleration before trying to race Apple 
and MS on the "sexiest 3d window-system" contest.



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