Just thought I'd post some updated benchmarks of Doom3.  These were all
run with the first timedemo at 640x480, and (for the open source
drivers) with ColorTiling turned on in the xorg.conf file.  I'll list
all tests with the open source drivers first:

x700 + r300 (with arb renderer) - 5.5 FPS (There's not much point in
testing it with the r200 or arb2 renderers at the moment.)

9000 (with arb renderer) - 15.9
9000 (with r200 renderer) - 15.4

The huge performance increase I get by using an r200 card is pretty
consistent with what I see in other games.

WIth the fglrx driver:

x700 + fglrx (with arb renderer) - 4.4
x700 + fglrx (with r200 renderer) - 28.7

9000 + fglrx (with arb renderer) - 3.9
9000 + fglrx (with r200 renderer) - 16.4


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