TBH, if your running the source release, it'd be better to have test
enabled by default and turn them off when you want to circumvent them.
 The way it is now means that folks who alter core code and don't
understand what the tests are or do, or even that they exist are
missing the opportunity to validate their work in the tests before
deploying.   Is the convenience of a few extra seconds of build time
or a few characters on the command-line really worth not establishing
a convention in the community for test driven approaches?

Just an opinion


On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Mark Diggory <mdigg...@atmire.com> wrote:
> I know how its defined, its just very wonky to put the property into a
> profile and then activate the profile when you could have just set the
> property true|false in the pom directly without the profile.
> Mark
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Tim Donohue <tdono...@duraspace.org> wrote:
>> Mark & all,
>> We actually are using 'maven.test.skip' property. It's just that we default
>> it to "true".
>> So, running:
>> mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=false
>> will execute all our Unit Tests.
>> If I recall correctly, I think we defaulted this property to 'true' (i.e.
>> skip unit tests) because we didn't want people building DSpace from the
>> source release (dspace-src-release-x.x.x) to need to remember to pass a flag
>> to turn off the Unit Tests.  But, if there is a good reason to change this
>> default setting, we could obviously do so.
>> We would just need to make sure to change our build & install Documentation
>> to recommend running 'mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true', if you don't want
>> to wait for all the Unit Tests to run.
>> - Tim
>> On 7/15/2011 2:31 PM, Mark Diggory wrote:
>>> Why are we not just using the property the way that the maven
>>> community designed it? All this is just further convolution.
>>> mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=[true|false]
>>> Mark
>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Mark H. Wood<mw...@iupui.edu>  wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 12:03:51PM -0500, Tim Donohue wrote:
>>>>> MarkW&  MarkD,
>>>>> Few minor thoughts inline...
>>>>> On 7/15/2011 11:49 AM, Mark Diggory wrote:
>>>>>> Mark,
>>>>>> I've been having a similar issue with some of the dspace-core work
>>>>>> I've been attempting.  I'd like to have the the scaffolding exist in
>>>>>> dspace-api, but be able to fire it up within
>>>>>> dspace-core/impl/src/test/ for locally testing the new Domain Model.
>>>>>> But alas, I ran into the same issues that you did.  I think if we all
>>>>>> were to work together, we might be able to get this into a state that
>>>>>> it woks across modules...
>>>>>> Issue 1: the configuration is duplicated inside
>>>>>> "dspace-api/src/test/resources for an entire dspace instance and is
>>>>>> not kept uptodate with the existing dspace dir, we need this to not be
>>>>>> the case.
>>>>> +1 we need to fix this. :)  It's obviously already well out-of-date each
>>>>> time we move around configs (as we've been doing in preparation for
>>>>> 1.8).
>>>>>> Issue 2: dspace-api test need to be released as an artifact to the
>>>>>> maven repo so taht they can be retrieved as a dependency for other
>>>>>> modules.
>>>>> +1 Yes, if we released dspace-api test, then you could add it as a
>>>>> dependency to other modules rather easily.  For example, I've been
>>>>> playing around with DSpace Services a bit, and since
>>>>> 'dspace-services-impl' releases its tests as an artifact, I can add them
>>>>> as a dependency as follows:
>>>>>      <dependency>
>>>>>        <groupId>org.dspace</groupId>
>>>>>        <artifactId>dspace-services-impl</artifactId>
>>>>>        <version>2.0.3</version>
>>>>>        <type>test-jar</type>
>>>>>        <scope>test</scope>
>>>>>      </dependency>
>>>>> Again, this works because Maven Central actually has a
>>>>> 'dspace-services-impl-2.0.3-tests.jar' artifact. If we did a similar
>>>>> thing for dspace-api, then we could similarly define it as a dependency.
>>>>> http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/dspace/dspace-services-impl/2.0.3/
>>>> Well, that certainly beats copying a pile of test classes and
>>>> resources N times.  I feared this was intended, since the framework
>>>> used to be a module and then got tucked into dspace-api.
>>>>>> Issue 3: the way the tests are disabled right now actually causes
>>>>>> problems with (Issue 1) its probably wise to not disable testing by
>>>>>> default.
>>>> I've played around with a small patch to the dspace-parent POM, to make
>>>> testing dependent on the presence of a file (development.flag) instead
>>>> of remembering to add -P \!skiptests all the time.  Useful?
>>>>> I wonder if there's a way we can just "auto-build" a test DSpace
>>>>> directory at the point of Unit Testing? Not sure how hard that is
>>>>> though.
>>>> It probably comes down to binding to the process-test-resources phase
>>>> some plugin that knows how to build our test environment.  I haven't
>>>> yet worked out how people discover the existence of "plugin to do X".
>>>> We could write one if there isn't anything that will do.  Maybe
>>>> assembly is where to look, since it's concerned with copying lots of
>>>> stuff around into places where you want it.
>>>> Hmmm.  We need to do whatever 'mvn assembly:assembly' and/or 'ant
>>>> fresh_install' do to turn the configuration files in dspace/config,
>>>> dspace-api/src/main/resources, etc. into the target config directory
>>>> tree, filtering dspace.cfg for the test environment instead of the
>>>> target environment.
>>>> --
>>>> Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
>>>> Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are
>>>> smart.
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> --
> Mark R. Diggory
> @mire - www.atmire.com
> 2888 Loker Avenue East - Suite 305 - Carlsbad - CA - 92010
> Esperantolaan 4 - Heverlee 3001 - Belgium

Mark R. Diggory
@mire - www.atmire.com
2888 Loker Avenue East - Suite 305 - Carlsbad - CA - 92010
Esperantolaan 4 - Heverlee 3001 - Belgium

AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
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