On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 02:43:45PM -0500, Tim Donohue wrote:
> Mark & all,
> We actually are using 'maven.test.skip' property. It's just that we 
> default it to "true".
> So, running:
> mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=false
> will execute all our Unit Tests.
> If I recall correctly, I think we defaulted this property to 'true' 
> (i.e. skip unit tests) because we didn't want people building DSpace 
> from the source release (dspace-src-release-x.x.x) to need to remember 
> to pass a flag to turn off the Unit Tests.  But, if there is a good 
> reason to change this default setting, we could obviously do so.
> We would just need to make sure to change our build & install 
> Documentation to recommend running 'mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true', 
> if you don't want to wait for all the Unit Tests to run.

And that's why I wanted a flag file or some such:  nobody should have
to type '-Dsome.long.unmemorable.property.name' every! single! time!
Not developers.  Not installers.

But it's not a major point; I just offered my approach as a way to
perhaps make testing more palatable.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
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