On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Tim Donohue <tdono...@duraspace.org> wrote:
>  On 7/15/2011 3:24 PM, Mark Diggory wrote:
>> My recommendation is just
>> 1.) It'd be best to run tests by default if your going to build the
>> source release. If you do not need to run the tests because you didn't
>> alter the source, perhaps you shouldn't be building the source release
>> and instead be using the binary release.
> I'm not sure we should be assuming that people who download the Source
> Release are always doing so to directly modify 'dspace-api' (which is the
> only place we have Unit Tests right now).  People could also be downloading
> the Source Release so they have easy access to 'dspace-xmlui-api' or
> 'dspace-jspui-api' classes that they may want to Overlay (to apply a small
> tweak, or patch a bug, or similar).

relatively true. again its a difference of approach.

> As unit tests are only run during the build of 'dspace-api', the running of
> them would be of no real benefit to people who are doing Maven Overlays.
> (Though I do see your point, Mark, that it'd be nice to run those Unit Tests
> for them if they just made a local dspace-api change that was problematic)

Again. If I were doing maven overlays, I wouldn't be using the source
distribution. But again this appears to be a difference of opinion.

> Maybe this is not realistic (feel free to tell me if it's not), but I wonder
> if it'd actually be possible do to something like:
> 1. Default code in SVN to always run tests (maven.test.skip=false)
> 2. But, during the assembly of the Source Release we could flip it to
> "maven.test.skip=true' for that dspace-src-release-x.x.x build

Yes, I think that is feasable, because we need to generate the special
pom for the full src release anyhow.

> This has the dual benefits of forcing us (Committers & hardcore developers)
> to be developing with Unit Tests turned on (though I still wonder how many
> of us will immediately tweak our IDE to turn them off locally), while also
> not subjecting our source release users to the Unit Tests by default.
> It's just a thought -- again, not sure how feasible this is, or how strict
> everyone else thinks we should be around Unit Tests.
> Personally, with my NetBeans IDE, I like having the Unit Tests "off" by
> default (as they take a while to run, and I don't need them to run all the
> time). But, I can also just right click on a Module and select "Test" to
> immediately run all its Unit Tests (to be sure everything still passes
> before I do a commit). Obviously, I can have this same IDE setup no matter
> what we default "maven.test.skip" to, so it really doesn't matter for my
> personal development practices.

Likewise, we tend to do the same in IDEA. but usually the profile
actually gets int he way and we either have to disable it or just
remove it from the code.

> But, I'd be curious to hear what other developers think.
> - Tim


Mark R. Diggory
@mire - www.atmire.com
2888 Loker Avenue East - Suite 305 - Carlsbad - CA - 92010
Esperantolaan 4 - Heverlee 3001 - Belgium

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