On 04/08/2010 15:23, Sean Carte wrote:
> On 3 August 2010 22:03, Richard Rodgers<rrodg...@mit.edu>  wrote:
>> Hi Sean:
>> See comments below - but I think you now have a correct understanding..
>> Thanks,
>> Richard
>> On Jul 26, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Sean Carte sean.ca...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> On 26 July 2010 14:30, Hilton Gibson<hilton.gib...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Sean
>>>>  From what I understand the "lift-date" is calculated from the terms set.
>>>> See: http://www.dspace.org/1_6_2Documentation/ch05.html#N13421
>>>> I think the terms can be input as 1 year, 6 months, 1 month from submit
>>>> date.
>>>> Maybe thats how it works.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> hg
>>> 2010/7/26 Claudia Jürgen<claudia.juer...@ub.tu-dortmund.de>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> the default setter understands only a date string or the (configurable)
>>>> term "forever". You can implement your own setter to use other terms,
>>>> e.g. to calculate the lift date based on time spans, for more details
>>>> see section:
>>>> Extending Embargo Functionality
>>>> of the documentation.
>>>> Hope that helps
>>>> Claudia Jürgen
>>> Thanks Hilton and Claudia
>>> I had misunderstood the purpose of embargo.field.terms.
>>> So I should use this field to set the date on which I want the embargo
>>> lifted, alternatively I could enter a duration in it?
>> Yes - whatever metadata field is configured for the terms is what the system 
>> looks at - but what *values* are permitted in that field depends on the
>> 'setter' code being used. That is also configurable in dspace.cfg (property 
>> is plugin.....EmbargoSetter). The default setter 
>> (org.dspace.embargo.DefaultEmbargoSetter)
>> understands only a literal date - and trivially copies it into whatever 
>> field is configured for the liftDate. If those fields are the same, it does 
>> exactly nothing.
>> However, if you change the setter to 
>> org.dspace.embargo.DayTableEmbargoSetter, then you can enter a word or 
>> phrase that maps to a fixed number of days
>> e..g "30 days" would cause the setter to assign the lift date to be 30 days 
>> after the item is installed. You configure your 'table of days' in 
>> dspace.cfg also
>> (see documentation).
>> If you need any other behavior, you will need to write a custom setter. I 
>> can certainly help/advise if needed.
>>> And I should not use embargo.field.lift in my submission form as this
>>> value gets calculated from what is entered into embargo.field.terms?
>> Correct don't use it - *unless* it happens to be the same as the terms field 
>> (in which case you really are using the terms field, it just happens to 
>> coincide)
>>> So I suppose I could simply use this in my input form:
>>>        <field>
>>>          <dc-schema>dc</dc-schema>
>>>          <dc-element>rights</dc-element>
>>>          <dc-qualifier></dc-qualifier>
>>>          <repeatable>false</repeatable>
>>>          <label>Embargo Lift Date</label>
>>>          <input-type>date</input-type>
>>>          <hint>  If applicable, enter the date that the embargo can be
>>> lifted.</hint>
>>>          <required></required>
>>>        </field>
>>> With this in dspace.cfg:
>>> embargo.field.terms = dc.rights
>>> embargo.field.lift = dc.date
>> Yes, this is fine
>>> I suppose that's what this was trying to tell me:
>>> "
>>> Do not place the field for 'lift date' in submission screens. This can
>>> potentially confuse submitters because they may feel that they can
>>> directly assign values to it. As noted in the life-cycle above, this
>>> is erroneous: the lift date gets assigned by the embargo system based
>>> on the terms. Any pre-existing value will be over-written. But see
>>> next recommendation for an exception.
>>> "
>>> But then:
>>> "
>>> As the life-cycle discussion above makes clear, after the terms are
>>> applied, that field is no longer actionable in the embargo system.
>>> Conversely, the 'lift date' field is not actionable *until* the
>>> application. Thus you may want to consider configuring both the
>>> 'terms' and 'lift date' to use the same metadata field. In this way,
>>> during workflow you would see only the terms, and after item
>>> installation, only the lift date. If you wish the metadata to retain
>>> the terms for any reason, use two distinct fields instead.
>>> "
>>> This seems to suggest I could have the following in dspace.cfg:
>>> embargo.field.terms = dc.rights
>>> embargo.field.lift = dc.rights
>>> ... with only dc.rights in my input form?
>>> Does that sound about right? (From my testing it does seem to work.)
>> Yes, this is OK as well. The real question is whether you want to persist 
>> the terms over time: if you use a single field, then the terms will be 
>> obliterated
>> once the lift date is calculated. That is, you won't (after the item is 
>> installed) be able to say 'this was a 6 month embargo', all you will see is 
>> the lift date.
>> But if all you are entering are lift dates as terms, then it is somewhat 
>> wasteful to use 2 distinct metadata fields to hold the same value.
>> Does this make sense?
> Perfectly!
> Thanks Richard.
> Sean
Hi Richard

I have created a wiki page for user in South Africa.
See: http://ir.sun.ac.za/wiki/index.php/Asset_Embargo

Hope it helps.



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