Hi all,


Sensory's been pretty involved with Dspam for a long time now and have
invested a lot of time and resources in it over the years. As our business
goals have changed, however, it just hasn't made as much sense to keep
devoting developers to it - something I'm well aware has generated
discussion repeatedly!


We are now at the point where hosting and maintaining the Dspam project
simply doesn't make any sense for the business, so we're looking to
transition that over to a new, committed team of developers from the
community. In short, this would consist of the mailing list, the CVS
repository, the domain name dspam.nuclearelephant.com and the website
content currently there. We'll maintain copyright but as you all know it is
GPL code so Dspam can never be un-GPL'd. 


We're looking at shutting down the hosting for the Dspam server by the end
of January. So if anyone is interested in taking over the elements named
above, please contact me at m...@sensorynetworks.com. I think it would be a
good thing for the Dspam project if this was a group effort consisting of
the main contributors, but I readily admit that that determination is out of
my hands. 


We would also consider selling the copyright along with the rest of the
package as a bundle - if you are interested in purchasing that please
contact me as well. 



Mick Johnson

Sensory Networks


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