On May 26, 2010, at 5:30 PM, w0rmt wrote:

> So I took the radio our of the truck and plugged in into the control head and 
> power supply for my other 800 in the house and it worked fine. Therefore the 
> radio itself must be fine, meaning that the SWR of the system in the truck is 
> high and/or the power supply in the truck is problematic. 
> I did notice that when the truck is running, the power to the rig is a bit 
> high (14.5V). When keyed on high power and when the truck is off, voltage 
> drops from 12V to 11.6V. I think I might need to invest in a voltage 
> regulator. Any suggestions?
> 73 de Bud


This is going to sound stupid, but is it a Chevy/GMC?  I've seen the voltage 
too high when the stupid ground strap needed some TLC...

Could be a lot of reasons, but start with the simple stuff.  Check the battery 
terminals for corrosion, loose connections, etc... 

Clean everything up and while you're there... No-Ox/PenetrOX the whole thing... 
(That's Mr. W0KU's pet peeve that I never did that on anything under the hood. 
He's made me a believer over the years.  He even puts the stuff in the 

Probably worth a stop at any shop to have 'em throw the tester on the battery 
that tests the whole system under load.  You may just be seeing a battery 
that's headed south, too.  (If we're working off the "What changed?" theory.  
What's the voltage read when the engine is off?)

Nate Duehr, WY0X


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