Hi Errazi,
you are right, that shouldn't be a problem. I just checked with 
2.2.1 tarball and it works fine for me. Try to re-download the tarball (or check
it out from SVN) and run dunecontrol again.

If nothing helps, you can exclude the folder from being configured.
- remove from dune-localfunctions/configure.ac the line containing
- change in 
dune-locaalfunctions/dune/localfunctions/brezzidouglasmarini/Makefile.am from
  SUBDIRS = brezzidouglasmarini12d brezzidouglasmarini1q2d
  SUBDIRS = brezzidouglasmarini12d

Then rerun dunecontrol.

Hope that helps,

[..] we shall send to the moon, 240,000 miles away from the control
station in Houston, a giant rocket [..] and then return it safely to
earth, re-entering the atmosphere at speeds of over 25,000 miles per
hour, causing heat about half that of the temperature of the sun,
almost as hot as it is here today, [..] then we must be bold.
[John F. Kennedy Moon Speech - September 12, 1962 - Rice Stadium]
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