Hi Siroos,

you could use any IDE. Usually they have difficulties with DuMuX, because they don't understand the dependencies to the Dune modules.

You could build Dune and DuMuX using dunecontrol, and open the DuMuX source folder within your IDE. If your IDE supports CMake, it should be able to handle your build directory and it should be able to use the right target (make, ninja, msbuild, ...). This will give you most of the advantages of an IDE, without full assistance of Dune classes and functions. In general, IDEs struggle with template meta programming and DuMuX' property system.


Am 30.09.21 um 12:37 schrieb Siroos Azizmohammadi:

As I am quite new in dumux and Linux too, I was wondering if there are any instructions to setup/compile dumux in Qt, Eclipse, or any other IDEs.

Best regards,


Siroos Azizmohammadi <https://dpe.ac.at/people/siroos-azizmohammadi/>, PhD

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