Dear Christoph,

Thank you for your reply and the instructions.
As you mentioned, the dependencies to Dune modules cause problems when
trying to setup Dumux with IDEs. I have tried Qt with a similar procedure
you explained but FindPkgConfig.cmake cannot find the Dune packages and not
start the Dune project even if Qt6 fully supports CMake.

Best regards - Siroos

On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 12:07 AM Christoph Grüninger <>

> Hi Siroos,
> you could use any IDE. Usually they have difficulties with DuMuX,
> because they don't understand the dependencies to the Dune modules.
> You could build Dune and DuMuX using dunecontrol, and open the DuMuX
> source folder within your IDE. If your IDE supports CMake, it should be
> able to handle your build directory and it should be able to use the
> right target (make, ninja, msbuild, ...).
> This will give you most of the advantages of an IDE, without full
> assistance of Dune classes and functions. In general, IDEs struggle with
> template meta programming and DuMuX' property system.
> Bye
> Christoph
> Am 30.09.21 um 12:37 schrieb Siroos Azizmohammadi:
> > Hello,
> >
> > As I am quite new in dumux and Linux too, I was wondering if there are
> > any instructions to setup/compile dumux in Qt, Eclipse, or any other
> IDEs.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > _____________________________
> >
> > Siroos Azizmohammadi <>,
> PhD
> --
> Als wär es nix, leb' ich von [IT] und mach' nur, was ich lieb'
> Lebe wie im Paradies, womit hab' ich das verdient?
> Die Wahrheit ist: Hab' ich nicht, ich bin nur reicher beschenkt
> Als jemand in einem armen Land mit dem gleichen Talent
> [frei nach Tua von Die Orsons - Oioioiropa]
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