Larry, K4WLS wrote:

From: "Urb LeJeune" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 8:51 AM to [DX-Chat]

Isn't it amazing that people actually worked DX, and sometimes made the
honor roll after years of hard work, before computers, clusters, and spots?

Did I miss something (I am getting old) where it was decreed that working
DX should be easy, lack of skill not withstanding?

There is a fundamental law of human nature which states that the easier
the task the lower the feeling of accomplishment.

Urb, W2DEC

"Bravo Zulu"  Urb !!

Isn't it amazing how "the truth" never dies and always comes full
circle ??

I remember a few years ago I really got in "bad trouble" when I made
a similar post to the old [NJDXR].

Of course I was highly upset at the time as the code requirement
for Extra had been dropped to 5 WPM, I had no idea of what being
tactful really meant (and didn't care), and there was no [DX-Chat]
at the time.

I still have trouble being tactful, but I try, but "the truth" never dies !!

Well, if the ARRL follows the path that our education system has taken, all you will need to do is certify that you "tried really hard" to work the station, and it will count. After all, couldn't risk damaging anyone's "self-esteem." Just wouldn't be politically correct.

Speaking of which, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

_ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )

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