I had several remotely-operated internet-controlled PSK contacts while in 
Labrador two summers ago. One contact in particular was in Germany using his 
Austrian callsign, but actually making contact with me through a transceiver in 
Boston using a W1 prefix before his own callsign (W1/OE8xxx). While we had 
several pleasant QSOs, if he had QSLed me for VO2 for his OE QTH, I would not 
have been able to justify sending him a Zone Two card.

The below reminds me of a guy serving as his own lawyer. He put himself on the 
stand, then for each question he would ask of himself, he went down to the 
floor to ask the question, then return to the stand to answer his own question. 
It got ridiculous when he asked himself to repeat the question.

QSL direct, save yourself a little postage $, a lot of waiting time via the 
Buro, and send yourself as many green stamps as you have in your wallet. :-D

73 de Fred K2FRD

At 1:59 +0000 04/04/2006, Steve-KF2TI wrote:
>On a different slant, I read, recently, in QST that you can set up
>some software that will allow remote operation of your own radio from
>anywhere in the workd, provided you have access to the internet and
>another computer
>So, I set this up and what??
>the Tango Italy station go ahead
>Thank you  This is KF2TI u r 59, name is Steve  over
>Tnx Steve this is kp2/kf2ti, I am also 59.  BTW how do i sound over
>Kp2/kf2ti, this is kf2ti I sound great over
>Rgr me, do i qsl buro or direct
>up to you
>73 have i hope i have a good operation
>Rgr that I am sure I will

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
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