Very true Gerry, and that's why I was surprised that the FCC went as far as 
they did on 80.  I think the Law of Unintended Consequences will cause us some 
grief until it's all sorted out.

Date: 2006/10/13 Fri AM 09:15:14 CDT
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] After effects

 Ron, All this discussion centres around US use of the bands. As you push down 
your phone band, hams in countries like Canada will move some of their phone 
operations down as well. Your example on 80 with phone down to 3600 and digital 
below that may well be more like US phone to 3600 and Canadian phone down to 
3575 with digital and CW squeezed into the last 75 khz. This will no doubt lead 
to competition for space as now happens on 40 around 7050-7060 between Canadian 
and DX SSB and US CW. Canada does not have sub-bands and should we choose, we 
can operate any mode anywhere. We use the bands based more on a "gentleman's 
agreement" (no, it's doesn't always work well) and would hope these new US 
assignment will work themselves out for all users of the bands. Gerry
ARRL DXCC Card Checker
VE/VA6 QSL Bureau Team
(403) 251-6520
ve6lb (at)
  ----- Original Message -----   From:  Ron Notarius   W3WN   To:   Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 7:52   AM  Subject: Re: 
[DX-CHAT] After effects  
Good question.

Relatively Simple answers: 

(a)   this 'omnibus' ruling combined a lot of petitions and NPRM's, and there 
are   are many parts that some aren't aware of
(b) the FCC did some things   unexpected, such as expanding the 80/75 phone 
band all the way down to 3600   kHz, where most expected it to only go down to 
3650 kHz (which, as a practical   matter, would have left a 50 kHz area for 
digital modes and 100 kHz for CW   only)
(c) the FCC left some things unclear, at least to those of us who are   neither 
lawyers nor bureaucrats... like exactly where do Novices and Tech+'s   operate 
CW on 80, 40, & 15 now?  (I'm sure it's buried in there   somewhere, but I 
haven't had a chance to dig out the specific language   yet)

and let's not forget:

(d) some people ignored most or all   of this or didn't expect (or hoped) some 
or all of this wouldn't happen, and   now they have to figure out what to do 

Date: 2006/10/13 Fri AM   07:46:40 CDT
Subject: [DX-CHAT]   After effects

Just wondering- with a couple years to comment to   the FCC -before- it was 
adopted, why all the discussion now. I guess the boat   was missed if there 
were any real concerns.
Duane, WV2B

"The   reward of a thing well done is to have done it."- 
Ralph Waldo   Emerson

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