I really don't understand the anti-ARRL attitude which is quite common in the DXing and contesting community. And it can be quite bitter, as we've just seen in the 7O1YGF discussion on another reflector.

Now I'll agree that the ARRL is not perfect, in fact far from it. Many years ago, I decided not to become a life-member, because I disagreed strongly with one of their key positions. I "played along" each year, ready to jump ship if necessary. Fortunately they came to their senses and corrected that position. I would have saved a lot of money if I had become a life-member way back!

My point is that ARRL CHANGED, because the consensus of its members changed. The ARRL is not "them", it's "us"! If you don't like the positions taken by your board member, tell him or her, and be prepared to stand for election next time to see if your views get accepted. But despite its imperfections, ARRL represents amateur radio worldwide (not just in the USA) better than any other organization, including IARU.

A particular point of criticism seems to be the DXCC branch, and the way it deals with DXpeditions and potential new DXCC Entities. As a member of the DX Advisory Committee, I'd agree that some of the executive decisions appear on occasion to be arbitrary (7O1YGF, BS7H, etc). But for better or worse there are some key threads which explain most of them: Take the long-term view; Support governments and national amateur radio organizations; And above all try not to risk the integrity of the #1 award in ham radio (memories of Romeo still hurt!).

So, when you bash ARRL and especially DXCC, expect me to tune out folks.

73, John, NT5C.

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