AMEN John:

Last year when I complained that the annual DXCC listings were missing, a part of the explanation I got verbally from a particular League official, was that the DX Challenge is now the premier DX Award in the league DX program. Pardon my French, but BS. That's a matter of opinion. Challenge may possibly be attracting more attention, but Challenge is "the newest big thing". I would expect that there would naturally be a flurry of new activity there. DXCC, however, is still the original, and IMHO, the most prestigious of the DX awards. (don't challenge me with the merits of all of your favorite awards; I don't want to hear it)

I also, don't know who,when, decided that the Yearbook needed to look like Parade Magazine in my Sunday paper, with a lengthy review of all of the news I saw on Fox News this past week. Please, just take it back to it's original form and leave it alone.

It really would be nice if people would quit trying to discover a way to destroy the few remaining traditions we have left. I'm so sick I want to puke from operators ending correspondence & on air communications with "73's". The term is 73; please learn what it means, and use it correctly, and please leave the Yearbook tradition alone

Mike, W5UC

"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill"

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