What he said (Pete beat me to it)... but let me add this:

I have read over the years that when statistics are compiled for the
political goniffs at the US Capitol, on average a single letter from a
single person (not an email, phone call, form letter, or name on a petition)
is considered equivalent to representing a minimum of 1000 other people.

Yeah... at least 1000 other people who feel the same way but didn't bother
to write.

So:  I would strongly suggest that if you have strong feelings -- either
way -- about the DXCC Yearbook, it's current format & content, and it's
future... calmly explain to the DXCC Desk how you feel and why (anger will
do no good, reason will)... and mail it today.  Oh, and make copies and send
them to your Division Director and Vice Director too.

I don't know if the 1:1001 ratio holds true in the Amateur ranks, but just
imagine the impact if most or all subscribers to this list, and others who
feel the same way, make their wishes known.

After all... Newington is NOT the League.  It is merely the staff &
administrative Headquarters.  WE, the members, ARE the League.  So it is up
to US to tell our representatives -- the Section Managers, the Division
Directors, the Officers, the Staff -- what we want.  Otherwise, they will
react as they best see fit, and react based on the input from others that
they DO get.

Oh yes... not only tell them how you feel, but add how you think they can
accomplish this.

(Me?  I lack standing to have an opinion.  Since I have continued to
procrastinate and never did get around to sending in my cards to apply for
DXCC in any form, I have yet to see a DXCC Yearbook, so I have no way of
knowing what's different, what's missing, what doesn't belong, and how to
improve it.  So I can't lead by example on this one, but don't let MY
procrastination stop you from doing this!)

73, ron w3wn

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:17 PM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Yearbook

Many on this reflector have made some excellent points on this topic.
I would suggest these comments be put in writing to Newington
(preferably by snail-mail) rather than preaching to the choir here.
My letter is going out in tomorrow's post, and I would urge others to
do likewise.



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