Also most loggers have spot filters.

Also: http://www.dxscape.com/ let you choose.

Gerry VE6LB
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: James Nipper 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 7:11 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Cluster node for US spots of dx only?

  I have been away from dx-ing a while, and have not used the Dx Cluster system 
in several years.    I would like to find a node that only shows spots made by 
U.S. stations.  Are there any left that do this?

  Yes, I know that I could set filters, but for the moment that is not what I 

  Yes, I know that some folks like to know when G-land can hear  DL-land, but 
that doesn't interest me, so I see no need for the ten thousand spots per hour 
that don't pique my interest.

  I am looking for a Dx node that only shows dx spots made by USA  hams. 

  Can anyone tell me of any please ??

  Thanks !!

  73 de Jim  K4PYT

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