I've never personally tried WF5E. I just read about him. I don't have
an opinion on how reliable he is other than what people have been

And yes, you can wait a few years and they upload to LoTW. Between the
time I was (and still am) busy with the kids my QSLing of DXpeditions
dropped off substantially. I have a backlog of about 35 entities I
need to QSL. THis week they'll be going out in the mail with the hope
of getting QSLs back for most if not all of them.

But also during that time some of them uploaded to LoTW. I've been
grateful for that.

So you'll get LoTW if you are on a tight budget, but instant
gratification costs money.

I don't begrudge a DXpedition for asking for a few $ or € to cover
their costs. It's your choice to work them. It may not fit someone's
definition of "ham spirit" but I also understand that without the
donations, many rare entities wouldn't be activated. It's just how it

Some hams spend more than just money - they risk life and limb, just
so you can get a QSO in the log.

Ryan, N2RJ

On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Crownhaven <crownha...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> The bureau still works great.  Instant gratification is hard to fight
> though.  Most of the DXpeditions eventually upload to LOTW so that works.  I
> wouldn't recommend WF5E to anyone.
> Steve, N4JQQ
> Ryan Jairam wrote:
>>  If you don't have a lot of money then it would seem to me that the
>> bureau would work nicely.
>> If you want something a little faster than the bureau, you can try
>> WF5E. The outgoing QSLs go quickly to the other incoming bureaus and
>> your incoming cards arrive via the bureau.
>> A lot of DXpeditions send out bureau cards for free. You can even
>> request them with OQRS in many cases.
>> In fact if you have a lot of spare time and are close to the club that
>> does the bureau work, that would work out nicely. You get your cards
>> free and many of them need the extra help.
>> 73, Ryan, N2RJ
>> (also a bureau volunteer)
>> On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 12:15 PM, JIM Abercrombie <4...@prtcnet.com> wrote:
>>> What about us who have limited incomes? I was preparing for retirement,
>>> but unfortunately I became disabled before I was vested in
>>> the retirement system.  How are we supposed to "buy" our QSL's? I have a
>>> fairly good station and I have been able to work all the
>>> recent DXpeditions. I was at #66 in Zone 5 from Yemen. I got my station
>>> by being very frugal with my money. If I were able I would
>>> be glad to donate and I have donated small sums.  There are those who are
>>> less fortunate than me. How are they going to "buy" their
>>> cards?  It seems to me they think everyone is fortunate financially as
>>> the guys who go on DXpeditions. I belong to the ARRL and
>>> LOTW.
>>> It reminds me of the ham I know who told me the other day that everyone
>>> could be able to invest money so they can retire, when I
>>> know there are thousands who have more month left after the money is
>>> gone.
>>> I guess if you can't afford this hobby, you should go buy yourself a kite
>>> and a ball of string.
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Ryan A. Jairam

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